Double Chin Treatment With Belkyra in Duncan

Nurse Practitioner Sherry Katz from Wolf Willow Collective

What is Belkyra?

Introducing Belkyra, the remarkable non-surgical solution that effectively targets and reduces submental fullness, commonly known as the double chin. This transformative treatment, also referred to as Kybella, offers a safe and effective way to achieve a more sculpted jawline without the need for surgery.

How does it work?

Belkyra's secret lies in the power of deoxycholic acid, a synthetic form of a naturally occurring substance in our bodies that breaks down dietary fat. When carefully injected under the chin by Nurse Practitioner Sherry Katz, it disrupts the fat cell membrane, leading to the gradual breakdown and elimination of fat cells. The result? A more defined and contoured chin area, with a reduction in the appearance of submental fullness.

How long does it take to see results?

The timeline for seeing results from Belkyra treatments can vary from person to person. Typically, patients may start noticing visible changes after a few weeks to a couple of months following their initial treatment. However, it's essential to keep in mind that multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

Since Belkyra works by gradually breaking down and eliminating fat cells, it takes time for the body's natural processes to take effect. Some individuals may see improvements sooner, while others may require more sessions to achieve optimal results.

Your healthcare provider, such as Nurse Practitioner Sherry Katz, will closely monitor your progress and recommend additional treatments based on your individual response to the injections. As with any cosmetic procedure, patience is key, and consistency in attending scheduled sessions is vital to obtaining the best possible results.

How many sessions will I need?

As with any successful transformation, achieving the desired results with Belkyra may require multiple sessions, tailored to each individual's unique needs. Nurse Practitioner Sherry Katz will work closely with you, creating a personalized treatment plan to ensure the most impressive outcome possible.

Belkyra is not about gimmicks or illusions; it's a practical and effective solution to enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence. By bidding farewell to the double chin, you can step into the world with increased self-assurance and embrace your authentic self.

So, let's embark on this exciting journey together. Say goodbye to submental fullness and hello to a more defined jawline, all without the need for surgery or tricks. Experience the transformative effects of Belkyra and discover a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment!

How much does each session cost?

The cost for a single Belkyra session is $1100, while a package of 2 sessions is offered at a discounted rate of $2000, we also offer a package of 3 sessions for $2700. Investing in a package can provide you with greater value and a more comprehensive treatment plan to achieve your desired results. Remember, the number of sessions needed varies for each individual, so it's essential to discuss your goals with Nurse Practitioner Sherry Katz to determine the most suitable treatment package for you.

If you're in Duncan and seeking a non-surgical solution for a more sculpted jawline, Wolf Willow Collective's Belkyra treatments could be your answer. Trust our qualified Nurse Practitioner Sherry Katz to guide you through this transformative journey, revealing a more defined and confident you!

Before & After: 3 Sessions

Before & After: 3 Sessions

Before & After: 4 Sessions

Before & After: 4 Sessions

Before & After: 6 Sessions

Before & After: 4 Sessions

*All before & after photos taken from the Official Kybella website.