Pigmentation, Vascular Lesions & Freckles Duncan

Kaitlin from Wolf Willow Collective

How does the Cynosure Elite IQ laser help to treat pigmentation and vascular lesions?

Sunspots & pigmentation: Sunspots, also known as age spots or solar lentigines, are dark patches on the skin caused by prolonged sun exposure. Pigmentation refers to any uneven skin coloration such as malasma or hyperpigmentation. The Alexandrite laser within the Cynosure Elite IQ emits specific wavelength of light that targets melanin, the pigment responsible for these dark spots. The laser energy is absorbed by the melanin, causing it to break down and gradually fade overtime. This treatment is highly effective in lightening and reducing the appearance of sunspots and pigmentation, leaving clear more even-toned skin.

Vascular Lesions: Vascular lesions include conditions like spider veins, broken capillaries, and rosacea. These lesions are caused by abnormal blood vessels that are visible through the skin. The Nd:YAG laser portion of the Cynosure Elite IQ targets the hemoglobin in these blood vessels. When the laser energy is absorbed by the blood vessels, it heats up and causes the vessels to coagulate and collapse. The body’s natural healing process then removes these damaged vessels, resulting in a significant reduction in the appearance of vascular lesions.

Freckles: Freckles are small, tan or light brown spots that occur due to an increased production of melanin to certain areas of the skin. The Alexandrite laser component of the Cynosure Elite IQ helps to target and break down this melanin, gradually lightening and fading freckles over time. These are treated similar to pigmentation.

What kind of machine does your medical aesthetics clinic use?

We are very proud to have the Cynosure Elite IQ machine at our clinic, we chose this particular machine for a number of reasons including:

Advanced technology: it combines two highly effective laser systems. This dual wavelength technology allows the machine to target a wider range of skin concerns, making it more versatile.

Versatiliy: One of the dual wavelengh lasers called the Alexandrite is effective for treating lighten skin types, pigmented lesions and vascular lesions. The other, is suitable for all skin types and can address vascular lesions, skin tightening, including darker tones.

Clinically proven results: The Cynosure Elite IQ is the only FDA and Health Canada approved device with Skintel Technology, this allows the machine to accurately read the skin to offer the absolute best treatment option for you. It has been extensively tested and has shown amazing efficiency and results.

Are these treatments painful?

The level of pain experienced during the laser treatments for sunspots, vascular lesions and freckles can vary from person to person. However, most people report minor discomfort rather than intense pain. To minimize any discomfort cooling techniques can be using during treatment to alleviate any pain or discomfort.

How many sessions will be required to see optimal results?

The number of sessions required can vary depending on individual skin conditions and treatment goals. However, most patients usually undergo a series of 3-6 sessions spaced about 4-6 weeks between. You will see an immediate glow and radiance in your skin after your treatment.


Vascular Lesions: $250 per session

Pigmentation & Freckles: $250 per session

If you're in Duncan and seeking a transformative solution for pigmentation, vascular lesions, or freckles, Wolf Willow Collective's treatments with the Cynosure Elite IQ machine could be your pathway to clearer, more radiant skin. Experience the efficacy of this state-of-the-art technology with our qualified healthcare providers and unveil a more confident you!